Ambisonic Links
This section includes links to other
sources of Ambisonic information. If you have any relevant links you would like
included, please let me know.
- The Ambisonic Toolkit (ATK) brings together a number of classic and novel tools for the artist working with Ambisonic surround sound. The ATK toolset has been been gathered, authored and developed by Joseph Anderson over a number of years, and is now a collaborative open source (GPL) project.
- The Ambisonic Motherlode - an attempt to collect and index all the available material on Ambisonics - and you can help!
- WigWare Ambisonic Plug-ins and Ambisonic Tutorial Site from Dr Bruce Wiggins at the University of Derby
- Visit Stephen Thornton's impressive Michael
Gerzon Photos site.
- Check out the Tetramic
from Core Sound – the first
soundfield-type microphone available for under $1000.
- There is now a series of
Wikipedia pages on Ambisonics,
to which several of us in the Ambisonic community have been contributing. Join in!
- Visit Etienne Deleflie's revamped Ambisonia site, where you can upload Ambisonic
recordings and compositions to share and enjoy, find Ambisonic players- and much more. See the
Tools page for more details.
- There have been recent revisions to the B-Format File Specification (Jan 2007)
- Sonic Architecture offers
information on 2nd order Ambisonics implementations for composition by Jan
Jacob Hofmann.
- Shenono is
a series of objects and patches for PureData that specialise in the performance
and production of surround sound using the ambisonic format.
- Here's the Sound
Thief, a low-cost home-made Soundfield microphone from
- We are very pleased to be hosting Dr. Philip Cotterell's PhD thesis
on a Second Order Soundfield Microphone.
- Keith Howard of Hi-Fi News is establishing an on-line
archive of Michael
Gerzon's magazine articles
- Michael Gerzon's Ambisonic
Bibliography - 1995 (on Martin Leese's site)
Soundfield-style Microphone - a cool home-made Ambisonic microphone
designed and built by Henry Walmsley
- An alternative DIY Ambisonic mic from Nick Mariette in Australia
- James Mooney's Ambisonic
- David McGriffy's Ambisonic tools
- Ambisonic
VST Plugins from the University of York
- ...and more from York courtesy of Aristotel
- Additional Ambisonic VST Plugins
- Rolv-Karsten Roenningstad
hosts a very useful Ambisonic
Decoders Page with links to the Ambisonic Timeline and other
- Jérôme
Daniel's PhD Thesis on 3D audio and Ambisonics, "Acoustic
field representation, application to the transmission and the reproduction
of complex sound environments in a multimedia context" is now available
with an English abstract (the rest is in French), along with supporting PowerPoint
presentations and movies. Also see his Experimenter's
- The
Cantares SSP-1 is a decoder system (and subwoofer crossover) for
Ambisonics, Home Theatre, Stereo Enhancement, and Surround. Read the
AudioMedia review!
- Second-Order Ambisonics
represents a new development on the Ambisonic scene. For more information
see Richard Furse's
3-D Audio page. Software
tools are also available.
- Martin
Leese provides a primary North American resource on Ambisonics
- Dave
Malham at the University of York, England, heads the Music Technology
Group, which carries out active research into extending the scope of Ambisonics.
His site represents the primary source in the UK for material on this topic.
- If you're into Ambisonics,
subscribe to the Sursound
mailing list -- a useful forum for serious surround-sound discussion.
To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe sursound yourname <youremail@host.domain>
You'll receive a confirmatory message with instructions.
- Mark Anderson and Eero Aro maintain
the incredible Ambisonic
Discography - and there's now a publications
list too, which includes some of my own articles I'd forgotten about.
- Also required reading: the latest...
the most comprehensive... the Ambisonic
FAQ from Martin Leese.
- Microsoft has a draft
specification for computer-based multi-channel audio, which supports Ambisonic
signals such as B-Format. It's entitled Enhanced
Audio Formats For Multi-Channel Configurations And High Bit Resolution
and is here by request. Feedback and issues to Noel
Cross or Martin Puryear. -
Revised March 17, 1999.
- The papers from Acoustic
Renaissance in Audio (ARA) that formed the basis for the DVD-Audio
specification are still available online. And MLP, the lossless compression
system used in DVD-Audio includes hierarchical surround capabilities that
can be used to carry B-Format and speaker feeds.
- Audio cognoscenti regard Meridian
as one of Britain's leading consumer audio manufacturers. Their Surround
Processors include Ambisonic decode capability, and have some incredible
- Kimmo Vennonen
maintains a page of Ambisonic
information in Australia including work by David Worrall and other useful documentation.
- Angelo
Farina in Italy is doing some very interesting work in auralisation
and acoustic simulation which includes Ambisonics.
- If you're interested in the Soundfield
Microphone, check out this location.
- Audio
Dimension offers PC-based software and hardware for Ambisonic control.
- Jeff
Bamford at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, has carried
out comparisons of Ambisonics, Dolby surround and stereo.
- Also from Canada, here's Daniel
Courville's thesis on 3-D
Sound (in French). He provides a detailed overview of Ambisonics in
Chapter 5
and there is an extensive bibliography.